priv cc art vocals

cj, 18
gay i think
infp-t, chaotic neutral

forests, art, driving at night, rain, astronomy, dance, cool evenings

bugs, men, cops + military, sweating, btspoppers

please tw
guns / knives / blades / razors
gun / knife violence
food + eating
eating disorders + body image

don’t censor the word like GUNSH0T i’m tired of saying it just don’t follow if you cba

please cw
bugs, especially spiders,
ptsd, trauma invalidation

i am ot10.
do not interact with me if you support/defend kevin

lots of caps, cursing, typos,
and interactions

i reclaim fag/faggot

i am nsfw sometimes and i don't always tw/cw it

i’m dyslexic

sb to break the mutual

dni if you
fit basic dni criteria,

use fonts, are part of mcyttwt

are a bts/skz/atzpopper,

suju, gidle, kwj, aoa jimin, sowon, sinb, changkyun

fetishize poc and/or lgbt,

solo stan or akgae in svtbz, exo, kingdom, or cix

anti anyone i stan

i probably won’t fb if you
are 13 and under or
24 and older,
only rt, don’t have
any artists in common

tone tags are helpful for me!
i delete tweets a lot
i jokingly say stuff like
"you're sick for this"
no fem terms, limit gender neutral terms, masc terms are best for me
i engage in fanwars
if i break the mutual don't
ask why

    ji changmin
    the boyz
    190112, 22:33

      choi chanhee
      the boyz
      190912, 22:36

        bae jacob
        the boyz
        181227, 11:21

          yoo kihyun
          solo stan
          monsta x

          seventeensoonyoung, chan
          the boyzsanghak, sunric

          aespa ningning, astro sanha, blackpink chaeyoung, bts yoongi, cix seunghun, clc sorn, got7 youngjae, itzy ryujin, loona jinsoul and hyejoo, pristin jieqiong, red velvet irene, shinee kibum, stellar hyoeun, twice dahyun and sana

          i solo stan nct sicheng, donghyuck, jungwoo, and gfriend umji

          soloists + khh/krnb
          dean, dpr live
          wonho, woodz

          here's stuff i'm selling